Frequently Asked Questions for JKLM.FUN

What is is the new party games website we're currently working on. It will feature new versions of BombParty, PopSauce and Master of the Grid, and then more games over time in a 3D universe where each player has their own character. There will be kingdoms you can walk around in, and people will be able to make their own games and worlds with our editor. It's a sort of streamlined Roblox-like that runs right in your Web browser.

When will be launched?

When it's ready™! You do not want to miss the release of, and the upcoming alpha tests, so we invite you to join our Discord and turn on the notifications, to follow our Twitter account, and to watch the livestreams on Elisée's Twitch channel.

How can you support us and our project

If you enjoy BombParty and PopSauce, please help me make more games with a donation. Cheers!

How can I submit word suggestions for BombParty? or challenges for PopSauce and Master of the Grid?

All the explanations are available on our Discord, please check #contribute-bombparty, #contribute-popsauce and #masterofthegrid. The Game Content Editors (GCE) are ready to help you and to answer your questions.

How do I create an account on JKLM.FUN? How can I link my Discord/Twitch account?

There are no JKLM.FUN accounts, but you can link your Discord or your Twitch account by clicking in the top-right corner on the homepage.

How many players can join each game of BombParty, PopSauce or Master of the Grid?

I can't play, why do I keep getting a white screen?

Make sure your browser is up-to-date. If you're using Safari, try with another browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge...

I can't play, why am I getting disconnected every 5 seconds?

If Spectrum is your ISP, they have an issue with websocket connections. Try to switch to 4G.

How does the timer of BombParty work? When does the bomb explode?

The timer is initialized at a random value between 10 and 30 seconds, and decreases. Each time that a player validates a word, if the remaining time is below the Minimum turn duration (5 seconds by default), the timer is reset to this minimum time. If the bomb explodes, we come back to the initial situation with a new random value.

How can I gain a life on BombParty?

You need to use all the letters on the right side. The minimum and the maximum number of lives per player is set by the Party leader of the room.

Can I get a list of all the words that are allowed? Where can I find the dictionaries of BombParty?

BombParty dictionaries are kept private and are only known by the Game Content Editors. Please don't ask for or give/share word lists, as some people will use them to cheat. You are free to look up words in a regular dictionary of course.

What is BirdBot? How can I have a private BombParty room and play against BirdBot?

BirdBot is a computer program which plays BombParty. It was developed by Enzo/dFuZer, a regular player in the community. In order to play against BirdBot in a private room, you must be connected to the site with your Twitch or your Discord account. Then you have to join an existing room with BirdBot in it, and type /b in the chat. BirdBot will respond with a link of your own new room.

How does the system of Tag filtering work for PopSauce?

Each PopSauce challenge has a difficulty tag and at least one theme tag. A system of tag filtering, based on set theory, has been made in order to help you customizing your PopSauce games. Three filters are available: the Union ∪, the Intersection ∩, and the Difference ∖

Filters are applied one by one, from top to bottom, like a recipe. If there is no filter applied, all the challenges are selected, no matter how difficult they are. By default, only the Easy Mainstream challenges are selected, the order of the default filters is: ∪ Mainstream, ∖ Hard.

Example #1: how to play with Easy challenges about superhero movies?
∪ Movies — I add all the challenges with the tag Movies
∩ Superheroes — BUT I only keep the challenges with the tag Superheroes
∩ Easy — BUT I only keep the challenges with the tag Easy

Example #2: how to play with more difficult challenges about movies, or about superheroes?
∪ Movies — I add all the challenges with the tag Movies
∪ Superheroes — AND I add all the challenges with the tag Superheroes
∖ Easy — HOWEVER I remove all the challenges with the tag Easy

How can I host a Master of the Grid show?

You must be connected to Master of the Grid with your Twitter account ("Log in" link in the top right corner), and then click on your show displayed on the homepage. Twitch integration is no longer available, but it will come back on the v2 of the game, on

Can I play Master of the Grid with my own pack of questions?

Not with the current version of the game. You will be able to upload your own pack of questions on Master of the Grid v2, on!

Can I create a private room on Master of the Grid? What about BombParty and PopSauce?

Not with the current version of the game: all the shows are public and will appear on the homepage. However, you can prevent non-logged-in users (Guest) from joining your game in the room's options. Master of the Grid v2 on will offer private rooms. You can already create private rooms for BombParty and PopSauce.